Amityville LIRR to Babylon LIRR

Every 60 Minutes - Every Day

Amityville LIRR

North Amityville

Dominican Village

North Lindenhurst

West Babylon

Lindenhurst LIRR

Great South Bay Shopping Center

Babylon LIRR


Select "Timed Transfers" or "Available Transfers" to see what connections are available along this route.

On weekdays before 6:00pm, routes in red run every 30 minutes while routes in dark blue run every 60 minutes.

After 6PM and on weekends, all routes operate with 60-minute service.

  1. Amityville Long Island Rail Road
    1 Amityville Long Island Railroad Station to Halesite
    2 Amityville Long Island Railroad Station to Patchogue Long Island Railroad Station (via Montauk Highway)
    4 Amityville Long Island Railroad Station to Central Islip Long Island Railroad Station to Smith Haven Mall
  1. Straight Path & Herzel Boulevard (North Lindenhurst)
    4 Amityville Long Island Rail Road Station to Central Islip Long Island Rail Road Station to Smith Haven Mall
  2. Little East Neck Road & Berkshire Road (West Babylon)
    3 Babylon Long Island Rail Road Station to Walt Whitman Shops
  3. Lindenhurst Long Island Rail Road Station (E. Hoffman Avenue)
    LIRR Lindenhurst Long Island Rail Road Station
  4. Great South Bay Shopping Center (West Babylon)
    2 Amityville Long Island Rail Road Station to Patchogue Long Island Rail Road Station (via Montauk Highway)
  5. Babylon Long Island Rail Road Station
    2 Amityville Long Island Rail Road Station to Patchogue Long Island Rail Road Station (via Montauk Highway)
    3 Babylon Long Island Rail Road Station to Walt Whitman Shops
    5 Babylon Long Island Rail Road Station to Smith Haven Mall
    15 Babylon Long Island Rail Road Station to Robert Moses State Park (SUMMER ONLY)
    LIRR Babylon Long Island Rail Road Station
  6. Amityville Long Island Rail Road Station
    N54 NICE (Nassau Inter-County Express) – Hempstead to Amityville via Washington Avenue
    N55 NICE (Nassau Inter-County Express) – Hempstead to Amityville via Broadway
    N71 NICE (Nassau Inter-County Express) – Farmingdale State College to Sunrise Mall to Amityville
Route Map:
Route 10 map
Route Description
  1. Eastbound bus begins at the Amityville Long Island Railroad station to head north along Broadway, or New York State Route 110, via John Street and West Oak Street after departing the station area.
  2. Continues heading north on Albany Avenue via Dixon Avenue eastbound making stops in North Amityville and Dominican Village.
  3. Proceeds north on New Highway, or County Route 28, to continue east on Farmingdale Road, or New York State Route 109, via Albany Avenue northbound.
  4. Continues southeast along New York State Route 109 to Great East Neck Road, or County Route 9 where it turns south.
  5. Turns west on Arnold Avenue and turns south west on Albin Avenue.
  6. Continues south west on East John Street to Wellwood Ave where it turns southeast.
  7. Follows Wellwood Ave to Hoffman Ave where it turns left and makes a stop nearby the Lindenhurst Long Island Railroad station.
  8. Follows Hoffman to Park Ave where it turns right.
  9. Hits Montauk Highway, or New York State Route 27A, and makes stops at the Great South Bay Shopping Center before heading north on Great East Neck Road, or County Route 96.
  10. Terminates at the Babylon Long Island Railroad station via Trolley Line Road and Railroad Avenue.
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Route 10_4
Route 10_5
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